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restore dissolved company dissolved companies
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Reasons for restoring companies:
  • Recovering assets,
  • Collecting unclaimed VAT
    or tax refunds or
  • Pursuing legal claims
    against a third party.

Reasons for Company Restoration

You can apply to restore a company to the register for many reasons. Normally it is because a director or shareholder wishes to realize some actual or potential assets remaining in the company or about to become due to the company. Alternatively it may be simply to continue trading or to bring legal proceedings against a third party or to reclaim tax.
Under the Companies Act 2006 there are now two procedures for company restoration. They are known as 1.Administrative restoration and 2. restoration by court order - needed where you applied to dissolve on a voluntary basis using form DS01. You must apply to court in that event.We do not deal with court applications. We only deal with administrative restorations.

1.Administrative restoration

The Registrar of Companies has the power to restore a struck off or dissolved company to the company register under the circumstances listed below. The Court power still exists for those cases where the Registrar cannot act.
Administrative Restoration for a struck off or dissolved company can only be used where the company once restored to the register will continue to trade and:
  • the company was carrying on business / or in operation at the time of dissolution
  • the company has been struck off by the Company Registrar (ie not applied itself to be struck off) and the application is made within a period of 6 years after the date of dissolution
  • the Crown has signified consent (bona vacantia issue)
  • the company has delivered all the necessary documents to bring the company up to date, and paid any relevant penalties  that were outstanding at the date of dissolution or striking off.


Treasury solicitor consent.

The Treasury solicitor has to be contacted to obtain their consent to the restoration.
We do  this for you.


Effect of administrative restoration

The general effect of administrative restoration to the register is that the company is deemed to have continued in existence as if it had not been dissolved or struck off the register.


Costs of an administrative restoration

Our fees  to deal with the company restoration for you are £250 plus vat of £50.00 and there is a fee of £468 payable to companies House and a fee of £64 payable to the Treasury solicitor making £832.00 in total payable in advance.
If having read this you now wish to make further enquiry or proceed to restore a company to the company register at Companies House please go to our UK company restoration Enquiry page. or call 07710141058 for free discussion.
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